
Från Taxisystem Manual
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Del 2/7: Tariff file Settings:

Before a tariff file can be created, the following settings must be selected/specified. The choices are not final, you can view and change the settings later, but it is good if you can to get them right in the beginnig because your choices will determine further input choices.

Follow the instructions below:

1) Namn: Ange ett namn på tariff-filen.

2) Gäller från - tilll': Specify a start and end date for the tariff. The tariff will be active during this interval. If you select a start date that has not yet passed, the tariff file will not be distributed before this date arrives. The start date itself is not enough, a tariff file must also be (successfully) exported before it can be disitributed.

3) 'Företag': Select the sub-company. Not all companies has sub-companies, but if they do, the choices are listed in the company drop down box. Make sure to selected the right company.

4) Taxameter type: Select the taximeter version. The F1 + is the standard taximeter. The F1 + MID is the MID approved taximeter.

5) Tariff type: Select the type of tariff file (Standard/Advanced). This guide only covers the standard tariffs.

6) Relativa offsets: A Taxa can be divided in up to 8 parts, so called tariffs. Each tariff is bound to a time control, that describes during which times the tariff should be used. A taxa and its tariffs are numbered following this convention: A Taxa with number N has the tariffs with the numbers: N, N+Offset for OB, N+Offset for Helg, etc.

For example: Taxa 4 has the km/h price 10 kr/h on weekdays 06:00-18:00, monday-friday, its has 20kr/h on saturdays and sundays and 15kr/h all other times during a week. To be able to describe this time changing behaviour of the taxa, the time controls Normal, OB and Helg are used. The offsets selected for OB and Helg are 10 and 20, the tariffs of Taxa 4 will then be tariff 4, tariff 14 and tariff 24.

The numbering and offsets are important because each tariff must get an unique number between 1 and 59. So in the example it is not possible to give another Taxa the number 14, because that number is already used by Taxa 4's tariff 14!

If this part is not clear right now, just use the standard offset values 20, 30 and 40 and change it later if needed. The impact of the offsets will be clear when adding the tariffs in Part 4.

7) Select the time control that is 'Holiday'. This time control/tariff will be used on 'Holidays'. Exactly 1 time control should be selected. When you are done, press the Next button. You can reach this page later by pressing the [Previous] button.